Monday 31 December 2012

Show empathy to yourself by setting goals

How many of the goals that you set out to achieve in 2012, have you accomplished? Were these real goals or were they simply wishes or dreams? 
If you have accomplished your goals, you should be proud of yourself. If you haven't, remember that it is not the end of the world. You are here, you are alive and that means that you can try again. 
You can use the new year to start afresh and to plan better in order to accomplish your goals.

Image borrowed from

Why do most people fail to set goals?
  • Fear of being outside their comfort zone.
  • Lack of knowledge – not knowing how to set goals.
  • A lack of self-esteem
  • A lack of assertiveness
  • Fear that they won't succeed and that they will then feel embarrassed.
  • Their track record of not being able to follow through makes them feel discouraged.
  • They believe that they don't have time to sit down and think of what they want to achieve.
  • They are too busy and confuse this “busyness”with accomplishment.

The process of goal-setting
  • Take time out to reflect and think about the things that you wish to accomplish in 2013. Do you want to make more money?
    Do you want to work on improving your relationship with your spouse, partner or children? Do you want to make more time for friends?
    Do you want to start a hobby?
    Do you dream of studying further?
    Do you want to get involved in charity work?

  • Make a list
    It is important that we make a list of the things that we want to accomplish.
    Being able to “see” it means that we are one step closer to achieving our goals. We have to write it down, otherwise it is not a goal, but wishful thinking.

  • Create an action-plan.
    What actions can I take to get closer to achieving my goal? This can include identifying someone who has already accomplished the goal that you wish to accomplish, read about them for some inspiration.
    If you want a big and beautiful house, why not make an appointment with a real estate agent who could show you a few houses? If you do not have the money to buy the house yet, make sure that you do not create that impression. It would be dishonest.
    You action-plan may also include things that you need to let go of, things that do not serve you or your goal.
  • Every goal should have a deadline
    It is important to also focus on the date by when you want to accomplish a specific goal. It is not good enough to say: “I want to make a million rand soon...” You have to decide on an actual date and include that on your list as well.

  • Be specific
    Instead of saying: “I want a big house...”, say “I want a beautiful big house in (name the area) with (number of bedrooms), with a dream kitchen and built on land of... (the size) hectares...
    If you are looking for the ideal partner, make a list of the qualities that this person should have.
  • Believe that you can actually achieve it.
    You have to have faith and believe that you can actually achieve your goals. For this reason, it is important to set realistic goals, goals that are measurable and achievable.
  • Create a collage
    When creating a collage for yourself, you have something visual to look at. Cut pictures (representing your goal) from magazines and paste it on cardboard. For one person, this may include a yacht that they want to buy, that beautiful house that they want to live in, the relationship that they wish to work on and improve... What do you wish to accomplish? Put this collage in a place where you are able to see it every day.

  • Review your progress on a regular basis and take regular action to get closer to achieving your goal.
  • When you need inspiration on your journey
    When doubt creeps in and you need a little encouragement, remember that not everybody supports your ambitions. For this reason, it is important to speak to the right people when you are feeling low, those who will encourage you and not those who will think of every reason why you should not be ambitious and dream of accomplishing your goals.
    You can also read inspirational books to lift your spirits.
  • Remember to celebrate your accomplishments.
    Celebrate every step of action that you take and are able to tick on your list as “done.” This will inspire you to continue.

Happy New Year, happy goal-setting.

And stop beating yourself up over those things that you set out to achieve in 2012, but did not, because today, you have the opportunity to start afresh.

On a personal note
I still remember when I got the idea to write my first book. I was a counsellor at Life Line. This marked another chapter on my journey of personal growth. I was excited, but at the same time, it was scary, because most people whom I told about my book-dream, told me that I won't be able to pull it off, because “I am not somebody” and because “such a dream was simply too big for me.” Well, today I know that we better set big goals; goals that will take us out of our comfort zone. At the time though, my confidence was crushed.

Doubt started to creep into my mind, making me wonder whether the nay-sayers were right. At the time I have done a lot of work with improving my self-esteem, but I wasn't quite there yet. In spite of the doubts, I knew that I could't let go of this dream. It was too important to me, the objective behind it, which was to contribute to uplifting others.

Was I realistic in thinking that I could write a book? After all, where I come from, nobody has ever attempted such a project. I knew that I had a choice to believe that I could or that I couldn't. I choose to believe that I could, because I was already taking action. I committed to writing every day and I did.

Getting inspiration
When we set goals, it is important that we associate with people who will encourage us to continue and that we use negative criticism to our advantage.
My source of inspiration, I found in a few inspirational books. The one titled: Attitude is everything, authored by Jeff Keller – a Motivational Speaker / Author based in the USA.

This book assured me that I had the right attitude.

One day I decided to send him an email. I thanked him for writing his book, told him how it inspired me and told him of my book-dream. A day later, he responded to my email. I couldn't believe it and nearly fell off my chair when I opened my inbox.

He said that writing a book has nothing to do with background, but everything to do with the desire to do so and with commitment to follow through, which I clearly had. He wished me well on my journey. If there was still some doubt in my mind when I wrote to him, then it completely vanished when I read his encouraging message.
I felt unstoppable. I followed through and managed to complete my manuscript.

Challenges are part of the journey
I guess that you can imagine how excited I felt when I managed to find a publisher right away. It was a clear sign that hard work indeed pays off. But then, I lost the publisher, due to somebody sabotaging me. I was devastated. I've worked so hard and now this!

I didn't allow myself to mourn this loss, because right after it happened, I made the decision to publish my own book, because I realised that there was now way for me to convince the publishers to reverse their decision. Unfortunately racial lines were drawn and I knew that there was nothing that I could do about that. All the things I had to endure and managed to overcome over the years, because of my interracial relationship and marriage, will certainly make for an interesting and very inspirational autobiography.  Sometimes you learn to laugh about it, other times you learn to live with it and sometimes it is simply unacceptable and "inhumane" and needs to be addressed.

Down, but not out
I decided to publish my own book. “Stubborn faith” comes to mind. I said to myself: “This has happened, but I'll get up, because giving someone else the power to decide over what is possible for me, was just not an option.

In 2003, (due to stubborn faith and the miracle that I prayed for) I published my own book: Success; it's your choice. It was a wonderful accomplishment, more so, because of this setback. In 2006, my book was approved for the school curriculum for Life Orientation, in the majority of provinces in South Africa.

There are many times when I look back over my journey and am grateful to the setbacks too. They have certainly made me stronger and gave birth to other opportunities, including the fact that I teach others about writing and completing their book, finding a publisher or self-publishing and finding publicity. More importantly though, the setbacks have turned me into someone who makes an effort to be concious of how I treat my fellow human being. And that is a gift that I will cherish for as long as I live.
Forgiveness played a huge role here. It later gave birth to my programme on emotional intelligence, titled: The art of letting go of crippling emotional pain and / prolonged anger.

About Andeline:
Andeline Williams-Pretorius
CEO, Andeline's Motivational Training
PR Consultant
Empathy & Relationship Expert on RSG
Life Coach / Columnist to Kuier magazine
Author of self-published: Success; it's your choice and In mekaar Se Skoene, published by Naledi.
Recognised by African Innovations as one of South Africa's Most Inspirational Women - Their glossy-page coffee table book is available now.
Mobile: 072 856 0218

Monday 10 December 2012

Minimise family conflict during Festive gatherings. My Empathy contribution, this morning on RSG.

I love the emphasis that Dr. Phil places on the importance of family when he says: "family first."

Although this sounds like the ideal, this is not the case for all people.  In fact, how often do we hear of family members who do not speak to each other for months, sometimes years.  How sad?

And then someone dies and some family members act as if they never thought of this inevitable event.  They are left with regrets and feelings of guilt, because they never apologised or never had an opportunity to make peace.

Is this your story?

Will your pride and anger be worth it in the end?

With all the festivities around the corner, many families are making plans to spend the Festive Season together.  This time of peace, love and sharing is not always conflict-free.

How do we plan to spend Christmas with family or in-laws and ensure that the end of the Festive Season does not mean the end of a few relationships?

How do we utilise the wonderful wisdom of empathy to ensure that we are sad to say goodbye and not pray that this time with family will go by quickly?

This is what I'll focus on this morning during my regular Empathy slot on RSG.

"RSG, dis die een."

What is your empathy or relationship challenge?

Let us know and I might focus on your challenge next time.  You can stay anonymous.

Send and email to  or a text message to the studio 33343.  
Text messages are charged at R1, 50 each.

And if you still do not have a copy of my book on Empathy, you can order yours today.  
Special offer until Christmas:  Cost: R159, 00 and no postage.

Contact me for more information.

Andeline Williams-Pretorius
CEO, Andeline's Motivational Training
Regular Empathy & Relationship expert on RSG
Life Coach / Columnist to Kuier magazine
Author of Success; it's your choice and In Mekaar Se Skoene
Mobile: 072 856 0218

"Andeline was recognised by African Innovations as one of South Africa's Most Inspirational Women."

Monday 26 November 2012

Why aren't we seeing real change, when it comes to abuse? My empathy contribution on RSG this morning.

It is that time of the year again; time for 16 days of activism against the abuse of women and children.  I look back over the years and ask myself why it seems as if nothing has changed, in spite of this campaign, in spite of millions that are pumped into awareness campaigns every year.  And sadly, it seems as if every second organisation jumps onto the band waggon, because there is money to be made - when they know that they would not "care" if this was not the case.

Yes, there are wonderful organisations that are truly committed to making a positive contribution and they do.

Why do we still see so many cases of abuse?
My guess is that the focus has become fancy "fundraising" parties, instead of creating real change, by focusing on the root cause.  And that is the self-esteem and level of assertiveness of both women and men.

What comes to mind here, is the person who says that they are passionate about education, but they have a domestic worker who can't read and write, and they don't bother about that.  

Why do abused women allow abuse?
Some of the many reasons include a lack of self-esteem and assertiveness.  Another big culprit, is the fact that they grew up and witnessed abuse and were conditioned into believing that that was acceptable.  Some abused women have such a distorted picture of what love is and feel "loved" when they are abused by their partner.

"The sins of the fathers" - carried over from one generation to the next.
As someone who grew up in an abusive environment, I am glad that I saw the day when my mother said: "Enough."  She saw the effect of having to witness her being beaten, had on her children.  She took a stand, but was it a little too late?

My mother turned her back on abuse.  She no longer was a victim.  She taught us to never allow ourselves to be abused in a relationship.  I wrongfully believed that there was only physical abuse and lost sight of the other forms of abuse.  I allowed myself to be in two relationships where I wasn't treated with much respect.  I stayed for far too long, because I thought: "At least he doesn't beat me..."  This is the story of still too many women today.

I eventually walked away, because I realised that I deserved to be treated better.  It started by me treating myself better and with more respect.

She was not so lucky
One of my sisters was not so lucky.  She died as a result of staying with an abusive man.  Due to a technicality, he was never prosecuted.  She was set alight by this man and ended up in hospital with third degree burns over 55% of her body.  She was in hospital for months.  We didn't think that she would recover.  While still in hospital, receiving skin transplants and physiotherapy, she contracted meningitis.  Her complaints about severe headaches in hospital, had fallen on deaf ears.  

I still remember asking one of the nurses whether they shouldn't do a cat scan, because my sister cannot complain about headaches every day.  This nurse said to me: "The doctor said that she is just pretending and looking for attention."   

The "joy's" of being in a government hospital...  

The meningitis was only discovered after my sister lost consciousness. This was the cause of death, so this man never paid for what he has done to my sister.

Improving my self-esteem, my saving grace

I look back, and can hardly believe that I allowed myself to be disrespected like that.  Being the person that I am today, I cannot believe that I stayed in those relationships back then.  

Before meeting my husband, I managed to start working on improving my self-esteem.  It was a wonderful change to be in a relationship where my opinion mattered, where what I wanted to do, was important as well.

I have since been on a mission to guide women and young girls with improving their self-esteem and level of assertiveness.  I have also developed a training programme that has helped a number of people - including men.

Why do abusive men abuse their partner?

Once again, there are many reasons.  The most important ones, include a lack of self-esteem and assertiveness.  Some abusers grew up in an environment where they were abused as children or witnessed their mother being abused.  They are conditioned into believing that that is how you resolve conflict, and that is what you are supposed to treat women.  This is what they know and the vicious cycle continues, often from the one generation to the next.

How do we change this?  How do we bring those abuse statistics down?
We can do this by taking a real stand.  If you are a woman who is abused by your partner, you can make a decision today to no longer stand for it.  If you have children, look at the effects of witnessing you being abused, has on them.  

When you stay, you are indirectly teaching them that abuse is acceptable. They won't be able to make better decisions.  You have a responsibility to choose in what kind of family your children will grow up.  Make it one where they don't witness abuse.  Improve your self-esteem and assertiveness, because there is no way that you'll allow yourself to be abused when you feel good about yourself and when you know your wonderful worth and value.

Make sure that your young boys grow up knowing that they need to treat women with the same kind of respect that they wish to receive.  Make sure that your young boys grow up with a healthy self-esteem and level of assertiveness.

All too often aggression is mistaken for assertiveness and children are taught, directly or indirectly, that you use your fists to resolve conflict.  This is not okay.  This is not okay.

Let's do our bit to ensure that real positive change.  

Why do we constantly have to work at fixing broken people, when we have an opportunity to try and do things right from the very beginning.  We have an opportunity to write the best messages on that clean slate of our children.

The importance of EMPATHY
What a wonderful virtue?  
With empathy, we can (over time), eradicate so many social ills.  What a wonderful world we'll be able to build when more people would be focusing on the importance of empathy; when more people would consider getting into the shoes of others, BEFORE doing or saying that hurtful thing.

What a wonderful world we'll be able to build when more people would consider asking themselves: How would I feel if someone would do the hurtful thing that I consider doing, to me or to someone I care about?  How would I feel?

And hopefully these questions will inspire us to do something different.

What is your empathy or relationship challenge?
Let us know by sending a text message to the RSG studio 33343 - on week days between 09h00 and 12h00.  Text messages are charged at R1, 50 each.  Alternatively, you can send an email to  We might be focusing on your challenge next time.  And remember, you can stay anonymous.

"RSG, Dis die een."

Thank you.

Yours in Empathy.

Mobile: 072 856 0218

About Andeline Williams-Pretorius
"Andeline is an Inspirational Speaker and Trainer.  She is the author of a book on empathy, titled: In Mekaar Se Skoene that was published by Naledi.

She is Life Coach / Columnist to Kuier Magazine and regular Empathy and Relationship expert on Afrikaans radio station: RSG.

Andeline was identified by African Innovations as one of South Africa's Most Inspirational Women." 

Their glossy-page coffee table book is available now. It is a wonderful collectors item and will make a wonderful Christmas gift.

This is what the cover of this beautiful book looks like.

To order your copy (R350,00 each), contact Lonwabo Jabavu at African Innovations Publishing:   
Mobile: 073 044 0604.

Enquire at your nearest Exclusive Books or CNA.

Monday 12 November 2012

Wanneer vriende mekaar ontgroei. When friends outgrow each other

(Scroll down for English).

Daar is verskillende redes waarom vriende mekaar ontgroei.  Ek het met 'n paar mense gesels om te hoor of hulle al hul rug op 'n vriendskap moes draai of al aan die ontvangkant was.  Hoe hanteer jy hierdie ongemaklike situasie met respek en empatie?

Ten spyte van die verskillende redes wat mense aanvoer, is almal dit eens dat dit een of ander tyd met jou gaan gebeur.

Toe Martelize by RSG so 'n paar weke gelede hierdie onderwerp voorstel, het ek dadelik ingestem, veral omdat so baie mense daarmee kan identifiseer.  

Jy kan ook jou voorstel na die ateljee stuur by  of per sms na 33343.  Koste: R1, 50 per sms.  Wie weet, volgende keer fokus ons dalk op jou kwessie.

Van die redes wat mense aanvoer vir vriende wat mekaar ontgroei, sluit in:

  • Jou persoonlike groei.
  • Jy raak ouer en neem perspektief oor jou lewe en verhoudings.
  • As vriend besef jy jy is die enigste een wat die vriendskap aan die gang hou.
  • Jy is die enigste een wat verjaarsdae en ander spesiale dae onthou.
  • Jou vriend is altyd negatief en dit dreineer jou.
  • Jy besef dat jy saam met hulle bly is wanneer dit goed gaan, maar dit lyk asof hulle nie daarvan hou dat dit met jou goed gaan nie.

Kan jy aan nog redes dink?  Wat jy al in hierdie situasie?

Gesels gerus vanoggend saam hieroor.  Tussen 09h00 & 10h00 op Oggend op RSG, saam met Martelize Brink en Johan Rademan.

"RSG, Dis die een."

Get your copy of my book.  R159, 00 + R25, 00 Postage.
Contact me to order your copy.

When friends outgrow each other

We've all been in that awkward situation where we look forward to seeing an old friend, only to find out that you don't have too much to say to each other.  You have drifted apart.

Some of the reasons why friends outgrow each other, include:

  • Your personal growth.
  • You are getting older and review your friendships and decide to eliminate those that no longer serve you.
  • Your friend is always negative and it drains you.
  • You realise that you are the only one keeping the friendship alive.
  • You realise that you are the only one who remembers birthdays.
  • You are happy when they succeed, but you realise that the feeling is not mutual.

Can you think of a few more reasons?

Respect and Empathy
How do you deal with it, when you realise that a friendship is no longer working for you?  And how to you accept it, when you are that friend who is replaced with someone else?

For some,leaving a friendship behind happens naturally because you don't see each other on a regular basis, while others have to make this often difficult decision to say goodbye to an old friendship.

Join us this morning (during my regular empathy slot on RSG) as we look at this, often inevitable situation of friends outgrowing each other. 

Do send us your questions or comments, between 09h00 & 12h00 on a week day, to or text message: 33343.  Text messages are charged at R1,50 each.

Stay tuned between 09h00 & 10h00.  Frequency: between 100 & 104FM.

What is your empathy or relationship challenge?
Let us know by sending an email to Martelize at 

Alternatively, you can send a text message to 33343.  Text messages are charged at R1,50 each.  

We may be focusing on your challenge next time.

Thank you for listening.

"RSG, dis die een."

More About Me: Andeline Williams-Pretorius

CEO, Andeline's Motivational Training, Inspirational Speaker, Trainer, Author
Mobile: 072 856 0218
Andeline is Life Coach & Columnist to Kuier Magazine. 
She is PR Consultant;
Empathy & Relationship Expert on Afrikaans radio station: RSG.

Monday 5 November 2012

How do you discipline your child? My next empathy contribution on Afrikaans radio station: RSG

The way in which we discipline our children, has a profound effect on them.  When I grew up, physical beatings were still at the order of the day.  I was three years old when I got my first real hiding - from my father.  My siblings were playing outside and didn't come in soon enough, after being ordered to do so.  

I still remember my father saying to me: "Don't think that just because you are the baby in the house, you can't get a hiding!"

I don't recall too much, but I do remember that I was sitting curled-up afterwards, thinking in my three year old mind that my father can't possibly love me, if he could beat me like that.

How do you discipline? 
How does your child feel afterwards?  
Do you know?

Get your copy of my book.  R159, 00 + R25, 00 Postage.
Contact me to order your copy.

Are you plagued by guilt because of how you've disciplined your children?
I spoke to someone (via telephone) on Saturday.  She told me about the many mistakes that she's made over the years when disciplining her children.  She mentioned how she struggles with guilt and how she is tried to "rectify" the situation by being good to her grandchildren.

Her further studies, not only made her realise that she's made mistakes, she also asked her children for forgiveness and managed to forgive herself and today she is making a positive contribution to the well-being of children.

Her children are not making the mistakes she's made, with their children.  Her grandchildren are lucky, because more often than not, inappropriate or abusive disciplining practices are carried over from one generation to the next.

Do you believe that children deserve respect and EMPATHY?

How were you disciplined as a child?

How many of those practices (good or bad) are you using with your children today?

Which one's will you never employ?

Do you make use of inappropriate discipline?

Are you aware of the possible damage to your child's self-esteem?

Are you aware of the possible damage to your child's level of assertiveness?

Do you struggle to do away with inappropriate or abusive discipline, even when you know that it is wrong?

Join us tomorrow (during my regular empathy slot on RSG) as we look at how parents discipline their children and the possible effects it has on the child. 

Do send us your questions or comments, between 09h00 & 12h00 on a week day, to or text message: 33343.  Text messages are charged at R1,50 each.

Stay tuned between 09h00 & 10h00.  Frequency: between 100 & 104FM.

What is your empathy or relationship challenge?
Let us know by sending an email to Martelize at 

Alternatively, you can send a text message to 33343.  Text messages are charged at R1,50 each.  

We may be focusing on your challenge next time.

Thank you for listening.

"RSG, dis die een."

More About Me: Andeline Williams-Pretorius

CEO, Andeline's Motivational Training, Inspirational Speaker, Trainer, Author
Mobile: 072 856 0218
Andeline is Life Coach & Columnist to Kuier Magazine. 
She is PR Consultant;
Empathy & Relationship Expert on Afrikaans radio station: RSG.

Tuesday 30 October 2012

Expert Positioning - upcoming seminar

Grow Your Personal Brand Or Business By Getting Great Publicity

What strategy are you employing next year, to ensure that you are able to take your business to the next level?

Plan next year's personal branding- or business growth strategy NOW!!! 

Book your seat to attend my upcoming breakfast seminar on Expert Positioning and receive the necessary tools to embark on a fantastic brand building or business growth journey.  Seats are limited.

Date:        Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Time:       09h00 - 12h00

Venue:      Alice Art, Dryf Street, Ruimsig.

Cost:        R560, 00 (early bird special, when you book before or on 
               15 November 2012).

Breakfast and programme manual included.

Banking details:
Andeline's Motivational Training, ABSA Bank, Menlyn, Branch code: 632005.  Acc. No:4061007354

Fax or email proof of payment (with your name as reference) to: 086 546 9069.  Email:

You pay R690, 00 when you book your seat from 16 November 2012.

Having your life- or business story featured in a reputable publication, is not just for celebrities!!!

As PR Consultant, I have just secured an article for a client in Kuier magazine and for someone else in Vrouekeur.  Past PR success stories of satisfied clients include SAFM, RSG and Get It Magazine.  

Some of what I focus on:

  • Writing and publishing your book and how to secure publicity.
  • Have your inspirational life- or business story told by a reputable publication.
  • Write a regular column for a reputable publication
  • Register your passion as an NPO and tell the media about it.
  • Be a regular expert on radio or television.
  • Contribute your expertise to articles written by journalists from various publications.
  • How social media could assist with finding you great publicity.
  • The art of writing on-line articles.
  • The press release.
  • What needs to be in place if you want to invite a journalist to your event and have them accept your invitation.

Please note:
With all the new additions, I decided to (as from next year) present this programme one module at a time. This means that fees will be increasing. I'll make sure that you still pay less than the average course out there, in the category of what I present, while you still get more.

For now though, you can book your seat at the old price - even though you are already treated to more.

Don't miss out!!!

For any enquiries, contact Andeline, the presenter and creator of the programme.

Andeline Williams-Pretorius
CEO, Andeline's Motivational Training
Mobile: 072 856 0218
Andeline is Resident Life Coach & Columnist to Kuier Magazine. 
PR Consultant; Empathy & Relationship Expert on Afrikaans radio station: RSG.
Recognised by African Innovations as one of South Africa's Most Inspirational Women
Their glossy page coffee table book, featuring Andeline and 29 others, coming soon.

Thursday 25 October 2012

The Wellness & Networking Event For Women 2012 - images and feedback

My annual Wellness & Networking Event For Women was hosted on Tuesday, 16 October 2012, at the beautiful Alice Art in Ruimsig.

Thank you to everyone who contributed to the success of the event.  These include all my fabulous guests, my husband who was the MC / programme director, all those who sponsored prizes and the sponsor: Old Mutual.

I have received wonderful feedback, including that I should consider making the Wellness & Networking Event a monthly event and that it should be a full-day conference.

This tells me that there is no doubt about the value of the event and that it is in line with what I initially intended.  

See the link at the end for images by a journalist from Get It magazine.  The event is also featured in the November issue of the magazine.  be sure to get your copy.

Thank you once again.  We'll go bigger and do better next time.

Feedback: "Dear Andeline,  WOW! What an amazing event! Well done!  My apologies for leaving early but I’m sure it continued to be great!  May you always be blessed every step of the way!  Many blessings and love."
-Chris Stormer-Fryer- 
Chris is a recognised authority on reflexology and natural healing worldwide.

Andeline and Faieza Sanders, the winner of the mid-week break.  Faieza is from Blackapples and she specialises in creating photo books.  She also sponsored a few prizes.

Feedback: - "Well organised and I liked the venue and the speakers.  Well done!!!"

Andeline and Mr. Stander from Old Mutual.  His talk on financial well-being provided food for thought.

Feedback: "I learnt a lot.  Enjoyed it.  Have lots to think about."
-H. Totos-

Delegates talking while enjoying the delicious treats on the menu.

Feedback: "Thank you for the wonderful line-up of speakers.  The food was awesome."

Feedback: "A very informative seminar.  Thank you for organising it for us.  We really enjoyed it.  Good luck for the future."

Last-minute networking before going home.

Feedback: "Wonderful feel-good session.  It reminded us how passionate, yet fragile life is and how we walk with blinkers on.  Do take care and walk this journey."
-Shariefa from Nexus travel-

Colleen, Andeline and Dudu.  They are both from Absa Bank.

Feedback: "Hi Andeline.  It was a privilege representing Absa yesterday and I thank you for the opportunity.  Thank you for the fabulous event, I really enjoyed networking with all the Ladies and I enjoyed all the presentations as well! I realised that we really do need a Networking Forum where we get together on a monthly basis, this will assist in empowering women and increase business. Once again thanks so much!" - Colleen van Rensburg-

Educational Psychologist: Dr. Lanette Hattingh, Andeline and Izelle Venter.  Dr. Hattingh generously donated a few copies of her book towards our lucky draw.

Delegates interacting

Feedback: "Andeline, thank you for the wonderful learning experience.  It was inspiring and motivational."

Feedback: Great!  I enjoyed it very much!  Loved it!

Dr. Pieter Smal From The Developmental Institute for the deaf and Blind in Rustenburg.  Andeline, hubby and Christiaan Smal.

Feedback: "Fantastic and well-organised event.  Really motivational and inspirational speakers, covering different aspects.  Well done and thank you so much for having me as a guest."
-Heidi Hannig, from Bag Secure-

Our speakers with their gifts, sponsored by Absa Bank.
From left to right: Mali Ramara, Nobuhle Ncube, Andeline, Annelie Potgieter, Annelise Bunce, Dr. Pieter Smal, Christiaan Smal is at the back.  Dr. Tshepiso Matenjie had to leave early.

Delegates queueing to have their blood pressure taken.

A little more networking before going home.

Annelie Potgieter, Nobuhle Ncube, Andeline Williams-Pretorius

Feedback: "Fantastic event!  Sharing, caring and learning.  Absolutely wonderful.  
 Thank you the opportunity to present to your delegates. I hope you had as much fun as most of us did.  Keep well and hope we meet soon to discuss more women’s workshops."
-Nobuhle Nchube, from EQ Legal-

The table setting.

My MC / hubby and I

Feedback: "Well-organised event.  I will recommend it to all my friends.  Well done."

Andeline and Dr. Tshepiso Matenjie, Resident Psychologist on 3Talk with Noeleen

Andeline, Petra Burger & colleague.  They are from the National Council for People with Physical Disabilities in South Africa.

Andeline and Emilie Olifant

Andeline in the middle, with from left: Faieza Sanders, winner of the mid-week break, Nicole Crawford, Mercy Klassen, Mpho, her friend and Mariana van Rheede van Oudtshoorn at the end.  Mariana is from Exempt BEE.

Andeline and Mariana, from Exempt BEE

Get It Magazine was there.  See this link for images by Get It Magazine journalist.  The event is also featured in the November 2012 issue of the magazine.  Get your copy.

Contact them (ask for Distribution) to find out where you can get your free copy of the magazine.  Tel: 011 955 1130.

If you have any enquiries about the event, my training programmes or speech topics and how I can contribute to your event or corporate function, contact me: Andeline Williams-Pretorius.

Mobile: 072 856 0218