Sunday 2 February 2014

Recognizing unsung heroes - The Empathy Foundation, NPO 070-849

The Empathy Angels Project has started out as something small, something to give recognition to individuals who are making a positive difference in their community, in society and to our world at large.  

However, over the last year it has proven itself as one of those initiatives that South Africa and the world need; not only because of the recognition that selected individuals receive, but also because of how this recognition contributes to their projects and to the beneficiaries of their project.

This is just one of the ways in which The Empathy Foundation, NPO 070-849 (with the wonderful publicity by SABC Radio: RSG) contributes to keeping Mr. Nelson Mandela's (Madiba) legacy alive.

See below for more information and for images of some of the Empathy Angels previously featured on SABC Radio: RSG.  "RSG, Dis Die Een."

Thank you for liking the Facebook page of the Empathy Foundation